Taylor Dellelce

Taylor Dellelce on a black and white background, with a white blouse and belt, smiling

Visual Communication Design. Digital Marketing.

I am constantly searching for opportunities to express my creativity on campus. When deciding to attend Notre Dame, I hoped to find a creative community to join, learn from, and be inspired by. My favourite source of inspiration and creativity that I have discovered on campus is Strike Magazine. This semester I had the opportunity to work as Co-Editor in Chief of Strike. I absolutely adored working alongside an inspiring group of students that all express their creativity in unique ways. Strike provided me with the opportunity to find my creative community on campus and share my love for fashion and art while creating our very own magazine. Strike has allowed me to express myself and my creativity and ultimately reveal my continued interest in fashion. I am extremely thankful to have found Strike and every person involved.

Similarly, the Strong Suits course will introduce me to a new creative community, expanding my knowledge about fashion and business. This course combines each of my passions and interests and I am beyond excited to be a part of it. Fashion and creativity have always inspired me, and I look forward to having in-depth discussions and learning alongside my classmates.