Máscaras de Protestas De Colores

"Máscaras de Protestas De Colores" is a photography/sculpture project that explores the theme of identity and cultural pride in Mexico. The project features two Mexican girls wearing traditional Mexican dresses, while also wearing colorful, vibrant and delicate masks inspired by Mexican culture. 

The masks symbolize the many ways that Mexicans are often asked to hide parts of their identity in order to be safe or to conform to prevailing cultural norms. This can manifest itself in many ways, from  pressure to change the accent or language to the disdain of cultural traditions and customs. 

With this project, we want to challenge those expectations and celebrate the beauty and richness of Mexican culture. The masks  the girls wear are impossible to ignore - they demand to be seen and acknowledged. Using these masks, the girls say: "You can only address me if you accept my Mexicanness, my heritage and my identity."

Cultural pride and celebration is an important part of creating a more just and inclusive society. By embracing our differences and celebrating our unique cultural identities, we can create a more vibrant, beautiful, and colorful world.

Through these photos, I hope to inspire others to wear their cultural heritage proudly and loudly, resist the pressure to conform, and demand the acceptance and celebration of all identities."

-Luis Sosa Manubes

April, 2023